Friday, April 27, 2012

Thanks Home Depot!

Home Depot did a workshop for Autistic Children
All of the projects were geared in a direction that they would and could 
understand what they were doing and have lots of fun.
This workshop was separate from the on they have at the beginging of the month 
it deffinatly touched me that they did this for Autism Awarness Month..
I thought I would Share thes pictures!! 
Have Fun!

Monday, April 9, 2012

My Thoughts!

This last week has went so fast almost like a whirlwind! I have learned a lot .. I have heard a lot...
Noticed a lot ...And to say the least I'm a wee bit over whelmed! 
I cant explain you how much it hurts to see Manny be to himself and not want to be bothered with anyone or anything... it breaks my heart...
Friday I took him to the park with Kobran and some church friends .. the park is his favorite place to go ... we can feed ducks and play its a blast for him...
NOT Friday he wanted to stand right next to me and hold on to me .. 
the kids tried to involve Manny but he didn't want to ...
I truly think apart of me cries inside when he does that..
I have to find a way to become OK with autism
that will only come through God...
Things are no were near smooth around the house yet...
there is a lot of adjusting to do and lots more learning...
I want him to be involved with others ..
This week he has not really wanted much to do with anybody..
I know he will have these weeks but it does not make it any easier for me as a mom..
You want the best for your child ...
But I soon realized...
That is the best For Him..
Whatever makes him comfy..
feel secure
and OK with who he is as he gets older...
as long as it is in the will of God 
I'm All For It...
We Will make it With God ...

I have had this ear worm all week and it is true with all we have been through....

I Feel Jesus
I Feel Jesus
I Feel Jesus
In This Place
And My Soul Does
Burn Within Me
I Feel Jesus
In This Place

 I feel Jesus in my car, my house, at the store, in the doctors office, when I cry, when I'm cooking ... what ever I'm doing where ever I am at I feel Jesus... I feel the Prayers going up for our family during this time and when I have a moment that I feel down.. it is that carries me through...
I Have Realized That If I Put God First He Will Work Out The Rest!!!
Thanks for the Prayers and Support... 
Da McKeez

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Miracle Manny!

Daddy & Manny First Time Holding Him
My First Time Holding Manny
Here is the back round Manny was born on October 27, 2009 at 31.5 weeks gestation.. I usually just say 32 weeks.. but there is more Manny was born 8:35 am weighing 3 pounds 15 ounces tiny little thing bruised around the entire of his head. bruised foot and hand.. it was so hard to look at him... all i knew at that time is that I was going to nurse him.. but Manny was to weak to suckle.. so at the age of 19 I began to pump every 3 hours round the clock they told me that night that Manny would not make it through the night because his lungs were so under developed.. I told them before you interbate him because we were given a choice of what we wanted I said let me call my Pastor and have him come pray for him first. so at 11pm that night my pastor walked into the nicu and prayed for Manny his stats came up instantly.. from that time forward he became Miracle Manny He progressed extremely fast and was put on 70% pressured room oxygen for 1 week and room oxygen for 1 more week He came home in 2 weeks .. I never left the hospital they were so proud that I was nursing that they gave me my own room in the back hall...
They said that they had never seen a 19 year old mother nursed or rather pump as I did and stick to it.. 
that was my life for 4 months take care of 1yr old Kobran and pump round the clock .. 
 needless to say a I was tired those days..
Mariano Emanuel McKee
At 4 months a breastfeeding Dr in Mississippi got him to solely nurse! another hurdle over comed!
At 6 Months They told us that his apnea monitor was showing episodes of Atrial Tachycardia . We changed Machines several times and they finally tested his and it can back true He has Atrial Tachycardia and we Kept worshiping God !
First Smile
We were able to get him off the Apnea Machine at 9 moths after 1 month of no Apnea and No Tachycardia!
Praise GOD! 
Another hurdle overcome!
now Here we are 2years later..
Not that we have not had our ups and downs with Manny we have ..
But God Has Been Good To Us!
 I found this Poem today and Would Like to share it 
Its About Autism! 
Loving Autism

By Jamie Knopik

If only you could comprehend how hard life is for me,
I know I’m only a little boy, but my world I want you to see.
Things are always changing right before my eyes,
but don’t you see I can not change with the direction of the tide?

It’s a different kind of world I see, with my big brown eyes;
they call it autism, and they think it’s my demise.
What I’d really like for them to know
is that my life is really about surprise.
Everyday is something different--something very new,
a phone, a clock, no a watch, I mean a shoe.
Sometimes I have a hard time expressing what I want,
and changing my mind ... well I do that a lot.

I have a hard time talking to people; please don’t think I’m rude.
I try to talk to another child: I really do.
But sometimes my words don’t work, and I hit instead--
now I really blew it, and no one wants to be my friend.
Some people are trying to find a cure for autism right now as I speak,
but why do I need to be cured?
There is nothing wrong with me.

Please don’t try to heal me, I’m not sick;
and instead of trying to fix me, enjoy my creativity.
My autism makes me who I am and sets me far apart,
but it only brings me closer to my family’s heart.
Autism is not something you should accept—it’s something to embrace;
for life with me is full of wonder and constant change.
I break up the monotony of daily life,
and although I don’t mean to, I sometimes cause some strife.
Autism changed me from all others except for my own kind,
and it has succeeded in showing all the world,
that love and autism bind.

Inspired by my darling son Donovan
September 6, 2006
I will Praise God No Matter What Comes My Way!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Diagnosis Of Autism

That Was the only thing I heard the whole time I was in the room ... My world seemed like it stopped in that moment in time ... I froze ... my thoughts didn't go any further than what he had just said Mrs. McKee After lots of testing and evaluation We have diagnosed Manny with Autism.......... That is when it all went blank .. Wait what did you say? He said Asperger's Syndrome it is a form of Autism..

Manny 2011
I asked Him what did I do wrong ? What can I do to get him better... ? NOTHING Mrs. McKee.. He said Is there any other questions .. I said How did this happen .. What part of his brain is affected.. How will Manny make it... He answered all of my questions ... 
Me and Phillip
Walking out of his office was the longest walk ... I felt stuck in time.. I got Kobran who is Manny's older brother in the car and walked around to Manny's side put him in the car ..
Kobran 2011
I got in the car and started to leave and Just Sat There! I started to Cry and the phone Rings Its my husband Phillip.. 
He says so what the Dr say ? I was silent and he said" Baby are you there?" ... I said they said Manny Has autism! And His Next words Were GOD IS STILL GOOD ! It Was like at that moment that my world beginning to go around again.. That's right He is still Good ... He still loves us ! He will walk us through it.. everything started to come together at that moment... 
Now I was still sad and I felt like a had been punched in the gut ! But I knew from my Pentecostal Background that GOD WOULD SEE ME THROUGH!
Our Family 2011
I talked to some close friends and later in the day called My Pastor ... The one thing that repeats in the back of my mind that he said is ITS NOT A DOOMS DAY REPORT!.. I thought to myself Manny will be a success story.. I will find out everything thee is to know about this ... I will do the Walks/Runs... I will do all that I can to get Awareness Out! I have Started this blog to write about our journey ... The things that work and the things that don't for him!
We have to take things one step at a time ...
Late Last night I got the courage to look up Autism..
And I found out that is was World Autism Day!
What a day to receive that news!
We will be doing the New Orleans Walk for Autism..
The team name is...

Mighty Manny